Port Washington Pack.


First and foremost, our hearts go out to those severely affected by the Coronavirus. In the last few weeks, the world has felt uncertain and daily life feels unfamiliar, to say the least. Almost overnight, individuals and businesses alike have been adversely affected in an effort to defeat this common enemy. It is during this time, that our sense of community is more important than ever.

GIGI, a gift giving service, has partnered with a number of local Port Washington retailers to create the "Port Washington Pack". It is essential we support our small businesses, in their time of need, to allow them stay afloat - not only for the business' themselves but also for the individuals that make them. 

Each box consists of goodies, gift cards and familiar and cherished items that we promise will put a smile on everyone's face. By purchasing a box you will be directly supporting the small businesses that make Port Washington distinctively Port Washington. Together, as a community, we can help one another stay float during these unpredictable times.

100% of profits directly support our front liners.